Re: Bored Games?
Tue, 29 May 2001 02:05:31 GMT
564 times
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BRILLIANT!!! Why didn't someone tell me about this before! Whose in charge
Good point about needing someone to play with though :( I have a hard enough
time organizing people for a once-a-month session of role-playing
(Palladium/Rifts - if anyone cares)
Might have to see where fellow Perth-ites live.
"James Howse" <> wrote in message
> In, Adam Wood writes:
> > I'm wondering if anyone has thought about, or already written, some kind of
> > board gaming rules - aka Warhammer, BattleTech, or something, but using
> > Lego.
> > Just thought I ask before I spend the next few weeks, sleeplessly in front
> > of a word processor. There just isn't enough time to work _and_ play with
> > Lego _and_ write pointless games. I think I should quit work :)
> Wait! don't go sleepless!!
> First go to.
> and check out the fun we've had with these rules found at
> In my Brickshelf folder I have a couple of pics of a vehicle resembling a
> spce marine rhino, and some space marine landspeeders.
> There are even rules for large roboty things in Brikwars so you can pick
> (and mix) your prefered time-period/technology level.
> The only thing you'll need after looking at all that is someone to play
> against...
> James (who loves blowing things up!!)
> P.S. IF you quit work, how will you afford more LEGO?
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 | | Re: Bored Games?
| (...) Wait! don't go sleepless!! First go to. (URL) check out the fun we've had with these rules found at (URL) my Brickshelf folder I have a couple of pics of a vehicle resembling a spce marine rhino, and some space marine landspeeders. (URL) are (...) (24 years ago, 29-May-01, to
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