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Re: Bored Games?
Tue, 29 May 2001 02:05:31 GMT
564 times
BRILLIANT!!! Why didn't someone tell me about this before! Whose in charge

Good point about needing someone to play with though :( I have a hard enough
time organizing people for a once-a-month session of role-playing
(Palladium/Rifts - if anyone cares)

Might have to see where fellow Perth-ites live.

"James Howse" <> wrote in message
In, Adam Wood writes:
I'm wondering if anyone has thought about, or already written, some kind • of
board gaming rules - aka Warhammer, BattleTech, or something, but using
Just thought I ask before I spend the next few weeks, sleeplessly in • front
of a word processor. There just isn't enough time to work _and_ play with
Lego _and_ write pointless games. I think I should quit work :)

Wait! don't go sleepless!!
First go to.
and check out the fun we've had with these rules found at
In my Brickshelf folder I have a couple of pics of a vehicle resembling a
spce marine rhino, and some space marine landspeeders.
There are even rules for large roboty things in Brikwars so you can pick
(and mix) your prefered time-period/technology level.

The only thing you'll need after looking at all that is someone to play

James (who loves blowing things up!!)

P.S. IF you quit work, how will you afford more LEGO?

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  Re: Bored Games?
(...) Wait! don't go sleepless!! First go to. (URL) check out the fun we've had with these rules found at (URL) my Brickshelf folder I have a couple of pics of a vehicle resembling a spce marine rhino, and some space marine landspeeders. (URL) are (...) (24 years ago, 29-May-01, to

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