Re: My Train Collection
Mon, 24 Apr 2006 08:36:22 GMT
2540 times
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In, John McCafferty wrote:
> G'day all,
> Long time reader, first time post.
> Gday to all the Sydney AFOLs Richie, James, Richard still going baldy?,
> Pete and all the others I havent met.
> I have been collecting Lego now for over 5 years and sometimes I sell some Lego
> on ebay in order to finance my ever expanding Train collection. I just thought I
> would post a link to some photo's of my train collection -
> Some of the trains are designed by James Mathis so I cannot take the credit for
> them, anyhow let me know what you think.
> One thing that the Good old City of Sydney is Sadly lacking is a Lego Train
> Club. Melbourne has one, Brisbane has one, but Sydney? Zilch! So I am thinking
> of starting one, so if there are any AFOL's out there in the Sydney region who
> would like to join me and share their passion for trains just pop me an email,
> Its getting very lonely here playing with myself, (not to mention RSI on my
> hand).
> Cheers, John.
Hello John,
I can remember meeting you in Sydney.
I saw your trains when they were 12v . Great Work !!
I hope you can make it down for BrickVention.
We will have the M>ltc layout on display there, and your welcome to run your
trains !
The fun of starting a new Lego train club !
If you need help with Ideas , I'm happy to help.
The way that M>ltc goes about it .
1:- Find out what people want to build
2:- Draw up track draw layout, including modual areas and road plates.
3;- Keep small stuff to the front and big stuff to the rear.
4:- hold meetings to test layout before showing to public.
Thanks, Teunis
M>ltc Artistic (layout) Director
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: My Train Collection
| (...) Another option if you can't make it to BV yourself, is to ask another Sydney attendee if they have room to bring them down. As Teunis said, we'd be happy to run them[1] even if you aren't there. Failing that, feel free to pack them tightly and (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | My Train Collection
| G'day all, Long time reader, first time post. Gday to all the Sydney AFOLs Richie, James, Richard still going baldy?, Pete and all the others I havent met. I have been collecting Lego now for over 5 years and sometimes I sell some Lego on (...) (19 years ago, 22-Apr-06, to
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