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 Local / Australia / 13243
  Re: LEGO Australia Warehouse Clearance Sale
(...) They're not an inside source, they just saw a flyer and emailed me the details knowing I'm a Lego fan. (...) Yes, I've just got off the phone from LEGO customer service and yes they are having a sale.They are sending me out the flyer. I should (...) (20 years ago, 20-Apr-05, to
  Re: LEGO Australia Warehouse Clearance Sale
(...) Can you scan it and upload it when you get it ? (...) Yes, Sydney. What display in Quakers Hill ? P.S my Kmart is clearing shelves. AT-AT and Millenium falcons for $100. I'm waiting for them to clear the technic. Check your local... (20 years ago, 20-Apr-05, to
  Re: LEGO Australia Warehouse Clearance Sale / confirmed
(...) Hi all i have rung lego and confirmed this sale starts thursday 10am all system's are go richie are you up to buying a couple of bits for me ?? michael. (20 years ago, 20-Apr-05, to
  Re: LEGO Australia Warehouse Clearance Sale / confirmed
(...) See (URL) this post>. (...) Sure. I don't know when I'll get there, it'll probably be Thursday afternoon rather than first thing Thurs morning. Email me what you're after, and we can sort out the details. Cheers Richie Dulin (20 years ago, 20-Apr-05, to

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