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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 4806
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Re: Technic RC car (Jake - info?)
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 19:46:26 GMT
734 times
If you're right it might be the base unit from 5599 in a technic overcoat...
Indeed it would be disappointing. I was hoping for a generic receiver that
could drive any motor...


"J G Gregory" <> wrote in message
I would also like to get more official info on this, but by inspection and
from what they have made in the past, it is almost certainly a one-piece
receiver, battery pack, drive-and-steer motor combo.  It may not even be
proportional steering, but it should be for that price.  I am willing to • bet
everything, including the steering, is all part of one big brick.
Otherwise, it wouldn't be "tough as nails".  This is too bad if true,
because it just isn't LEGO-like if it isn't modular and reconfigurable.

Differential steering (different power to rear wheels) doesn't really work
well on a 4-wheel chassis.

I also think the wheels are smaller diameter, but same design, as on the
8466.  And the tires are correspondingly smaller.  Too bad.  Would have • been
nice to RC the 8466 instead.  Yes, it might not be as tough, but I don't
really think driving LEGO around in the dirt is a great idea anyway.

--Jack Gregory

"Tom Stangl, VFAQman" <> wrote in message

Since it is available for order now, can you give us more info on it?

It says 2 motors - one to drive, one to steer, or does it rely on power • to
right and rear left motors to steer?

How large is the receiver in the car?

John Guerquin wrote:

Awesome find Rob, thanks!!!  Can't wait to get my hands on it.

Strangely enough, it doesn't show up if you do a search for
8475 from the main page at

This is another way to see it:

Is it just me, or do the wheel hubs seem like the same ones
used in the 8466 4x4 Off-roader (and Silver Champion)?
The tires look a little smaller, but that could be an illusion.
$130, 283 pieces.... would this be the most expensive LEGO
set in terms of cost/piece at nearly 46 cents/piece?

Re-posted and FUT to technic


In, Rob Hendrix writes:
My lovely wife asked me to show her those crappy Lego Racers today, • so
went on over to (of course).  As we were scrolling • through the
different sets, I found it!!!!

Don't know if this is old or new news, but the new R/C car is • available
prepurchase.  They say it ships July 9th! $129.99 is a little steep, • but I
gotta have one!  I'll try to give you the link (kinda long)...


Hope that works.


Tom Stangl
***DSM Visual FAQ home
***SF Bay Area DSMs

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Technic RC car (Jake - info?)
Ditto. If it has separate components, I'll probably buy several, but if not, I won't even buy one. Separate components could be so useful for past Model Team and Supercar sets. (...) -- | Tom Stangl, Sun ONE Internet Technical Support, Sun (...) (23 years ago, 24-Jun-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Technic RC car (Jake - info?)
I would also like to get more official info on this, but by inspection and from what they have made in the past, it is almost certainly a one-piece receiver, battery pack, drive-and-steer motor combo. It may not even be proportional steering, but it (...) (23 years ago, 24-Jun-02, to

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