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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 4805
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Suz Q&A was:[Why the absence of LD in their own newsgroup?]
Newsgroups:, lugnet.people
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 17:42:38 GMT
3530 times
Here are some short answers, for now..

In, Richard Marchetti writes:

Is their absence especially irritating because they have used references to
Lugnet for certain marketing practices (like the Mania Magazine, I think it
was), and that probably without permission? So they trade on the Lugnet name
but don't actually participate -- is this part of your point?


You have dropped hints at either being or having been a contracted designer
for TLC in some way, is this the time for full disclosure? Perhaps I missed
it elsewhere.

I didn't disclose anything while I worked for TLC (1996-1999), but it's not
a secret anymore. I worked for R&D. LEGO Futura, Boston office.

LFB's job was to come up with cool, innovative LEGO products that made use
of technologies not normally found in toys. Stuff like LEGO Mindstorms. I
worked with them on things like Vision Command and DUPLO MyBot.

LFB had a relationship with the MIT Media Lab, which is partly why I chose
to go there after the LFB office closed. I'd be happy to talk some more
about it later. But obviously I can't do a big show and tell. [BTW, those
LEGO concept drawings I recently mentioned have disappeared.]

Are you "inside" or are you "outside" at this point?

I worked for LFB as a freelancer (billing by hours), and haven't done so for
a very long time.

How does your status inform your views about TLC's level of participation and
the future of Lugnet in relation to TLC?

I'm not entirely sure what I can say to this question really.. can you
rephrase or elabarate?

I'm afraid what you mean is not TLC, but LD. My status and history with TLC
has no real bearing on that of LUGNET's with LD. But, I suppose the things I
know about -do- build a certain picture.

Do you feel that Lugnet is being
singled out for some kind of unfair treatment?

singled out among..?

Do you feel constrained in ways that others are not?

'others' being...?

Do you think TLC has different standards for
nondisclosure (or do they merely enforce their rights unequally) on
different individuals or organizations depending on whether they can get a
positive marketing angle/spin out of it?

Oh absolutely! I know they do. that's normal though, wouldn't you say?

What do you expect from TLC or Lego Direct and why do you expect it?

I would love to be treated with the same level of respect that Futura gave
me. But I don't expect that.

I'm *really* late getting back to work.. we can talk more later. good
questions. thanks.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Suz Q&A was:[Why the absence of LD in their own newsgroup?]
(...) I guess I meant: what did you learn from being on the *inside* that informs your attitudes about the company overall and/or how to deal with them? (...) I'm not sure why the parent company has no relationship to the question, but I think we'd (...) (23 years ago, 24-Jun-02, to, lugnet.people)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Why the absence of LD in their own newsgroup?
Suz: Is their absence especially irritating because they have used references to Lugnet for certain marketing practices (like the Mania Magazine, I think it was), and that probably without permission? So they trade on the Lugnet name but don't (...) (23 years ago, 13-Jun-02, to

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