Re: Why the absence of LD in their own newsgroup?
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 19:04:36 GMT
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In, Benjamin Medinets writes:
> One thing I the apparent lack of "care" TLC has really put forth
> in north america.
> There still is a wide gaps in quality products between Europe and North
> America. Sure its nice to have 2 fulfillment centers, but why does one
> have nice things, especially non-lego Lego-Branded items (Europe - as in
> cool brick-style lunchpails, Cargo Systems, and nice Black, LEGO Polo Shirts
> ...vs North America - various current or recent theme t-shirts)
> Plus, the whole service pack very upsetting to there
> are packs available but only in Europe. The company is supposed to be
> worldwide, but it seems they really not looking to achieve their objectives
> as the key world toy brand by 2003.
As far as these types of things go, I think the response we've gotten from
TLC is that Europe's just a better/more loyal consumer than North America. I
remember (I think at BrickFest '01? Maybe a different time...) Brad talking
about stores in Germany having HUGE Lego sections, and still selling out of
them. Compare that to the US-- semi-decent Lego sections, but a lot of them
just sit on the shelves. (1)
Also, it's probably easier to cater to Europe, just based on locale.
Shipping overseas is a much different matter. Though arguably, having such a
wide variety of countries in Europe (language barriers, currency
differences, customs issues, etc) may be detrimental... dunno...
Anyway, I'd personally think it makes business sense that they'd be 'nicer'
to Europe...
> I would feel more sympathy for the company, but really I have to agree...
> it is already has its say on how it wants to conduct business. Why should
> Lugnet bend over backwards to please them already. Membership on Lugnet
> is one thing, but ownership is another. If LEGO really wanted to dictate
> how it wanted it to do business on LUGNET, all it had to do was maintain
> its donations.
I totally agree-- the drawback being that it's up to Lego how they wish to
participate, and for the same reason that they can't expect us to cater to
them, we can't expect them to cater to us-- we're not really a direct
consumer or advertiser.
> As far as Lugnet going downhill, that really is in how you approach the
> situation. If you sit back and generally complain, you will feel that it
> is going downhill, because you contributed to it negatively. If you get
> involved, even 5 to 10 percent (and all of it positive), you will find that
> the community will get better.
Definitely agree. Also I think a lot of people take the forum too seriously.
(1) Honestly, I think it's the American vision of mass distribution that's
to blame, but only indirectly via TV/movies, particularly TV. American kids
aren't encouraged to challenge themselves as much anymore (I think) because
of TV marketing. So challenging toys like Lego have less appeal unless
they're bright, bold, exciting, 'cool'. And even then if they're too hard to
use, they're done for. Note I don't really blame video games as much, since
there you at least have the chance of being interactive... Anyway, now I'm
just rambling. I'll stop.
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 | | Re: Why the absence of LD in their own newsgroup?
| (...) One thing I the apparent lack of "care" TLC has really put forth in north america. There still is a wide gaps in quality products between Europe and North America. Sure its nice to have 2 fulfillment centers, but why does one have (...) (23 years ago, 14-Jun-02, to
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