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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 3302
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Metroliner update!
Fri, 28 Sep 2001 15:39:54 GMT
451 times
Metroliner update!

Many of you have been anxiously awaiting news of the ship dates for the
Metroliner and Club Car. We are shipping in Europe in about a week! We will
start shipping in the US mid-October!

I also wanted to mention one other thing. I just found out that there are a
couple of minor packing issues with the Metroliner and one with the Club
car. The errors are listed below, but rest assured, the errors are minor and
there is an easy on!

-- 10001 Metroliner --

Error #1: The set should include 3 women with the same hair, 2 with  brown
hair and one with black hair. However, we packed 3 brown haired mini-figs.

Error #2: The set should include 4 clear small windows. However, we have
added clear-blue windows (I believe these are the small window in the middle).

Solution: Our Consumer Service department has been informed of these errors,
and will be happy to help resolve the issues. Simply call them at
1-800-835-4386, and let them know that your ordered a Metroliner. Ask for
replacement parts and they will send them straight to your house!

-- 10002 Club Car --

Error #3: This is a building instruction error only.  Step 21 in the
building instructions shows the same picture as step 20 and the number reads 19.

Solution: We will either reprint the building instructions or add a leaflet
to the order with the correct steps shown.

You will also be notified of these 3 errors on your packaging slip included
in every order.

Sorry for any inconvenience!


Jake McKee
Senior Producer
LEGO Direct

Message has 2 Replies:
  RE: Metroliner update!
Thanx Jake, This is the kind of support we all appreciate. Keep up the Great work. Now, how about that Lego BIT program problem .... See previous post (URL) Millère LUGnet # 525 -----Original Message----- From: (...) (23 years ago, 28-Sep-01, to
  Re: Metroliner update!
Thanks for the update, but I wanted to point out that the replacement parts would not be sent out until after the Metroliner has been shipped, or so I was just told over the phone. Adam (...) (23 years ago, 28-Sep-01, to

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