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 LEGO Company / 3099
  Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
(...) SNIP (...) SNIP (...) A debate is an exchange of FACTS in order to prusuade the other party to your point of view. The facts that you seem to be dissapointed that I stick to are Lego said this was the "last chance" to buy Maersk blue and there (...) (20 years ago, 31-Dec-04, to
  Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
(...) Yes, LEGO said that. But some people are confusing a "statement of fact" with a "promise". They are different. You are of course welcome to continue to fervently believe LEGO lied to you, and to continue to believe that all statements by the (...) (20 years ago, 31-Dec-04, to
  Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
(...) SNIP (...) We are not talking about a business decision. Bley was a business decision. In this case they chose the words "Last chance" and "Very limited production run" as part of their adveritizing. Since this is how they choose to present (...) (20 years ago, 31-Dec-04, to

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