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Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
Tue, 28 Dec 2004 23:33:50 GMT
12327 times
In, David Eaton wrote:
In, Ken Nagel wrote:
They also said there would only be 10,000 availible publicly. • SNIP
I don't see why you keep going back to this.

Because that is what they said and words mean things.

What they said was true. There WERE 10,000 available publically. Or, 10,000
via S@H. It's possible Maersk made some available to the public, I guess.
  But again, *IF* they had had more Maersk blue,
I think they would have made more. Evidenced by the facts that:

1) They were going to make a new version of the set with another color
2) They're rerunning the set
3) They KNOW (and always knew) that AFOLs would love this set

"If" doesn't much matter as "if" wasn't true so they chose to market it as a
limited set. The new color (that they took back) doesn't matter as that was to
be a diffrent set based on the same design. The fact that they are going back on
their word and rerunning the set is the problem. The fact that they knew AFOL's
would love the set is why they should have kept their word.

Now, if what you're saying were true, the intent would have been to make a
"collector's item". Something where even if they HAD more Maersk blue pellets,

"If" again has no bearing on the situation.

To date, I know of 2 "collector's items"... SNIP ...Both their collector's
items were designed and marketed as such. Maersk ship? No.

That's exactly why they chose to releas press releases stating there would be
only 14k with 10k at SHO.

My conclusion? It was never intended as a collector's item. Never intended to
encourage you to buy solely for it's collector's worth nor for its limited


If it ws just a matter of forgiving a simple mistake and not part of a trend
there would be no issue.

No? Huh? Why not? If the company makes an error, but everything else is ok?
What? If juniorization, click-hinge replacement, etc never existed, but the
color change had still happened, then the color change would've been ok? >It's ok
I think each problem should be addressed according to its merit, not according
to the problems surrounding it. Of course, I think that's irrelevant in this
case because I don't think this decision part of a negative trend.

The trend is the point that Lego, when viewed as a company is a failure. They
have lost money and market share for years and continues to fall. That is not a
matter of opinion it is big news in the world wide financal comunity. 10152 is
not the whole problem nor was the color change but piled on top of one and
another plus other very poor buissness decisions is why the company continues to
be a failure and why the problem must for the sake of the company be viewed as a
whole. Untill the mindset that the consumer (AFOL's and other wise) will take
anything as showen by this desicion and others the company will continue to
lose. Naturaly if they do continue to lose, changes that no AFOL wants to see
will be inevitable.-Ken

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
"Ken Nagel" <> wrote in message [ ... snipped ... ] (...) be (...) [ ... snipped ... ] Where is this press release you refer to? I looked for a copy of the press release on was unable to (...) (20 years ago, 29-Dec-04, to
  Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
(...) Yeah, but what they said was true. "This is a small run too – only 14,000 total, with 10,000 coming to Shop At Home." It *WAS* a small run, and it *WAS* limited to 14K, and 10K *DID* go to S@H. Please point out the exact error in the phrase, (...) (20 years ago, 29-Dec-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
(...) I don't see why you keep going back to this. What they said was true. There WERE 10,000 available publically. Or, 10,000 via S@H. It's possible Maersk made some available to the public, I guess. But again, *IF* they had had more Maersk blue, I (...) (20 years ago, 27-Dec-04, to

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