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Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
Mon, 27 Dec 2004 15:50:35 GMT
12323 times
In, Ken Nagel wrote:
They also said there would only be 10,000 availible publicly. They said it
through Jake, SHO, and press releases. Kind'a hard to misread that statment.

I don't see why you keep going back to this. What they said was true. There WERE
10,000 available publically. Or, 10,000 via S@H. It's possible Maersk made some
available to the public, I guess. But again, *IF* they had had more Maersk blue,
I think they would have made more. Evidenced by the facts that:

1) They were going to make a new version of the set with another color
2) They're rerunning the set
3) They KNOW (and always knew) that AFOLs would love this set

Now, if what you're saying were true, the intent would have been to make a
"collector's item". Something where even if they HAD more Maersk blue pellets,
they wouldn't have sold more sets. Now, if that were the case, the REASON it
sold well would be BECAUSE it was a collector's item. Hence, wouldn't it make
more sense to do something DIFFERENT to this next run to make it yet another

To date, I know of 2 "collector's items" that Lego's sold publically,
specifically for the purposes of collectors. Bionicle masks and the first 10K
Santa Fe's. They've had promo bricks, which are different, because they weren't
sold publically, and limited availability things like the "classic
grey/brown/dark grey" brick/plage packs. Both their collector's items were
designed and marketed as such. Maersk ship? No.

My conclusion? It was never intended as a collector's item. Never intended to
encourage you to buy solely for it's collector's worth nor for its limited

The one slip they made (you seem to think there were 2, but I disagree) was
unintentional. Someone in the company who wrote that press release or set
description (since we saw it repeated, and italicized by Jake, hence hinting
that he was quoting it) thought they'd be nice to us and let us know that it WAS
probably going to be our last chance for Maersk blue bricks. They didn't want
anyone fuming mad when they sold out in the first few weeks, or angry that they
weren't warned about the disappearance of Maersk blue. They were trying to be
nice by letting us aware of that fact, not underhanded by making us want to buy
more because of it.

If it ws just a matter of forgiving a simple mistake and not part of a trend
there would be no issue.

No? Huh? Why not? If the company makes an error, but everything else is ok?
What? If juniorization, click-hinge replacement, etc never existed, but the
color change had still happened, then the color change would've been ok? It's ok
if I murder one person, but if it's part of a trend, THEN I should be arrested?

I think each problem should be addressed according to its merit, not according
to the problems surrounding it. Of course, I think that's irrelevant in this
case because I don't think this decision part of a negative trend.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
(...) SNIP (...) Because that is what they said and words mean things. (...) "If" doesn't much matter as "if" wasn't true so they chose to market it as a limited set. The new color (that they took back) doesn't matter as that was to be a diffrent (...) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
(...) SNIP (...) They also said there would only be 10,000 availible publicly. They said it through Jake, SHO, and press releases. Kind'a hard to misread that statment. (...) If it ws just a matter of forgiving a simple mistake and not part of a (...) (20 years ago, 27-Dec-04, to, FTX)

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