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Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 05:26:35 GMT
11402 times
In, Ken Nagel wrote:
   In, David Eaton wrote: SNIP
   People keep referring to this as a promise-- I just don’t get it. We were told the details of the run they were doing, and told that there weren’t plans to do another one. They didn’t PROMISE by any stretch of the imagination that none would ever exist. Other than Jan’s one statement, can you find the exact instance where they “promised” not to make another Maersk blue set?

QUOTH JAKE MCKEE: “Then it’s time for another new adventure! It measures 69cm long and is your last chance to buy Maersk bricks!

I stand corrected! I skimmed right over that bit in Jake’s post ( repeatedly because I figured it was the S@H description.

   AND:This is a small run too – only 14,000 total, with 10,000 coming to Shop At Home.

The first quote I’ll give you. That one by no means. It was true, still is true. No promises on possible future runs from that statement. The run they did was 14,000. Nothing even remotely implied about future runs, apart from the “last chance to buy Maersk bricks” bit.

   At what point would you call it “breaking a promise” versus “acceptible breaking of a promise”? (I assume if, say, you promised your friend that he could stay at your house, and your house burned down, preventing you from being able to let him stay there, that you wouldn’t call that a “broken promise”, but hey, maybe you would, I dunno)

And if the queen had B---s then she’d be king. There was no asteroid, no Mega Block deal, and no fire.

Well... yeah. That was the point. Would you hold it against Lego if there was? Should I just assume your answer is “no”? Should I make up some more scenarios to find that borderline point between when you think it was ok vs. not ok?

   Pretty much no excuse for going back on a promiss.

I still think it’s a pretty miniscule excuse of a promise. I mean, yes, I agree that they should have phrased it as “It may be your last chance” instead of “It ... IS your last chance, but would that little 1-word insertion really have satisfied you? My guess is no.

To be honest, I think it was very good of them to point out that it might have been the last chance for Maersk blue, even if they didn’t get the phrasing right. They were trying (I think) to make sure people knew ahead of time so nobody got left behind in the dust, still wanting to buy a copy. I don’t think they were trying to increase the chances of it selling out. With a set like that in such a limited run, they probably knew it would sell out pretty well.

But to be even more honest, I think the Lego nay-sayers are mostly just itching for an excuse to vent at the company. If they hadn’t done the color change, were still producing classic space sets, weren’t as juniorized, had a mix of studded and studless beamed technic sets, I seriously doubt they’d be getting this kind of ridiculous flak over such a pathetic thing that probably could’ve been fixed by inserting a single trivial word into their set description.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
(...) And on the other side of the coin many want to defend the company no matter what they do. This is not bley or click hinges. This is basic morality.I'm with the "nay-sayers" because the company is on a destructive path and if they go down so (...) (20 years ago, 24-Dec-04, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
In, David Eaton wrote: SNIP (...) QUOTH JAKE MCKEE: "Then it’s time for another new adventure! It measures 69cm long and is your last chance to buy Maersk bricks! AND:This is a small run too – only 14,000 total, with 10,000 coming to (...) (20 years ago, 23-Dec-04, to, FTX)

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