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 Inventories / 273
    Re: Peeron inventories —John Patterson
   (...) think that is much more important. I had an agreement with the person that was doing these that I would just send emails. I do not know how to do the data bases and such, so if I could just do emails it would make what I am doing a lot easier. (...) (18 years ago, 8-Mar-07, to lugnet.inv)
        Re: Peeron inventories —Dan Boger
     (...) For corrections, please send them to (note, please do not send it directly to me or the other admins). By doing that we can make sure all the admins get a copy of it - meaning it'll get done sooner. Thanks for your cooperation (...) (18 years ago, 8-Mar-07, to lugnet.inv)
        Re: Peeron inventories —Bob Parker
   (...) I am sorry to hear about this and wish you well. But I would also honestly recommend that at some point soon you are able to concentrate more on spending time with your family which seems a wiser investment than inventorying hundreds of toy (...) (18 years ago, 21-Mar-07, to lugnet.inv) ! 

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