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 Instructions / 651 (-5)
  Re: Anyone have instructions for set #309 (Church)?
(...) Allen Your welcome. I do not speak german ether. I did do an ldraw on my own just for fun and found something interesting. The one on the web page is what i followed and then looked at the piece count. Compared it to Peerons list and the one I (...) (20 years ago, 12-Jul-04, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: Anyone have instructions for set #309 (Church)?
(...) Thomas, Thanks for the link. It's nice to see the work that went into that page. He seems to have nicely put together the overall feel of the set in a very modern presentation. I wonder what the original set designers would have thought of the (...) (20 years ago, 11-Jul-04, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: Anyone have instructions for set #309 (Church)?
(...) Gary, the Ultimate LEGO Book indicates it was 1958 that bricks with tubes first appeared. I had always been under the impression that was the generally accepted date, based on when the patent was sought for the tube mechanism. Is it correct (...) (20 years ago, 11-Jul-04, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: Anyone have instructions for set #309 (Church)?
(...) This set was produced from 1957 (when classic Lego windows first came out) until about 1963. The set had one tree, one of the 1950's style flat Pine trees with a flat bottom. One interesting thing is the named beam (sign). On the box it shows (...) (20 years ago, 10-Jul-04, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: Anyone have instructions for set #309 (Church)?
(...) Hay Allen I did a search on google and found thus site. May be what you are looking for. (URL) down to bottom and find link to instructions they did, plus some history on the set. Cheers Thomas Eipp (20 years ago, 9-Jul-04, to lugnet.inst)

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