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 Harry Potter / *1380 (-5)
  Re: Prisoner of Azkaban sets, (contains spoilers)
<cut> (...) We're likely too see a couple more Diagon Alley shops. The Leaky Cauldron: Harry spends 2 weeks living here. Could include Harry, Cornelius Fudge and Tom, the landlord. Could be a larger set with an entrance on a London street and the (...) (21 years ago, 7-Jul-03, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Prisoner of Azkaban sets, (contains spoilers)
(...) a) Hogsmead. I think they are definitely going to have to do a Hogsmeade set or 2. b) Weasley House Also the Weasley house is definitely going to be needing to be done in brick. c) Defense against Dark arts Class Maybe a defense against the (...) (21 years ago, 7-Jul-03, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Prisoner of Azkaban sets, (contains spoilers)
Hi Scott, Here are my ideas: Hermione's Secret 2 Figs - Harry and Hermione about $7 Could include new hourglass piece (!) and a revolving wall to simulate time-travel. Sirius's Escape 2 Figs - Harry and Sirius about $13 Could include a POOP Buckbeak (...) (21 years ago, 7-Jul-03, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Prisoner of Azkaban sets, (contains spoilers)
I was originally going to attach this to the last thread about book 5 “The order of the Phoenix” but it didn’t really apply so I started a new thread. Bruce does well to envision some potential sets for book 5, but at this rate that movie may not be (...) (21 years ago, 6-Jul-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: order of the phoenix, spoiler thread
(...) There's also St. Mungo's Hospital. It would need a front facade that looks like a rundown department store, with dummies and wigs on askew, maybe the information desk and a ward or two. It also has a gift shop and Tearoom in the hospital on (...) (21 years ago, 3-Jul-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)

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