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Re: Should RTL be hosted on this server?
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 21:36:02 GMT
3030 times
I just popped in a few minutes ago and checked out some of the threads
people mentioned...for example the |||||| Mindstorms thread.  Wow.  I just
haven't been reading RTL closely for a while...and I have to agree that it
has gone downhill in some way which is difficult to quantify, but in any
case it seems a bit less friendly.

I wish to apologise to fellow LUGnet users my participation in that thread,
not my initial post to that thread, rather my profane, inane responses that
had subsequently emerged. An irrational, defensive reaction, which only
fuelled the flame......

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Should RTL be hosted on this server?
(...) OK, fair enough. What I meant by it not being designed as a barrier was that its original intent was not to be a barrier, even though in practice it is of course a small barrier. I hate to see it tossed about AS a barrier as if that were its (...) (26 years ago, 30-Nov-98, to lugnet.general)

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