Re: Should RTL be hosted on this server?
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 15:00:33 GMT
2928 times
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Paul Foster <> writes:
> > In other words, only the people who have succesfully crossed Larry's gate/
> > barrier would be allowed to crosspost between RTL and lugnet.* groups. If
> > they hadn't crossed the barrier (or passed the test, whatever), then the
> > messages they attempt to crosspost would have to either be discarded by the
> > server or truncated so that they only went into RTL.
> Ok, then what happens if somebody who is approved cross posts to rtl and
> a lugnet group and it propagates out to the web and then someone on the web
> who is not approved does a reply without modifying the headers, what happens
> when that article gets to the lugnet server?
When you say "to/on the web" you mean "to/on Usenet," right?
What would have to happen is that the article would come back here with the
same crossposting headers, and its Newsgroups line would have to be
truncated so that it only wound up in the local copy of RTL.
That's not a very nice situation, is it... It's why there could be quite a
bit of confusion about crossposting.
Another possibility is preventing crossposting between lugnet.* groups and -- the server could easily reject any such message (it does
currently, because is not carried here, and it only admits
messages posted to groups that are carried here.)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Should RTL be hosted on this server?
| (...) I'd say the possibility of cross-posting between the lugnet groups and is a _good_ thing, in terms of allowing lugnet to support RTL, rather than detracting from it. That way (for example), announcements can be cross-posted. And (...) (26 years ago, 30-Nov-98, to lugnet.general)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Should RTL be hosted on this server?
| (...) Ok, then what happens if somebody who is approved cross posts to rtl and a lugnet group and it propagates out to the web and then someone on the web who is not approved does a reply without modifying the headers, what happens when that article (...) (26 years ago, 30-Nov-98, to lugnet.general)
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