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Re: Should RTL be hosted on this server?
Sun, 29 Nov 1998 12:32:55 GMT
2847 times
Todd Lehman writes:
Hello Lugnetters,
If RTL were hosted on this news server, would that clearly be a good thing,
or a bad thing, or would it make no difference in anyone's lives?

I think it would be a good thing preventing the death of RTL as everyone
leaves and moves to LUGNET.

What do you think?  Does it make things better or worse for you, easier or
harder for you?  Is it a potentially dangerous idea or is it clearly a
win-win for everyone?

I don't think it would make it easier either way as I would still have to use
2 news servers.

Would it foster animosity and boundaries or would it bring people still
closer together?

It would prevent the split currently underway, the "I only have time for one
of them" people who choose LUGNET.

Would it be so good that it would be far more harmful _not_ to do it?

I think so.

Might it be harmful to people who frequent RTL only and who do not frequent
the groups here?  Or would it help them?

Well, they would get the posters back who now only post here.

I'm thinking that if it were hosted here, then for legal reasons it would
need to be hosted in the manner of a classic Usenet newsgroup, namely...

<Logical ideas snipped>

The advantages of hosting RTL here:
  1.  Increases availability of RTL.
  2.  People who read news here can read RTL here as well (and post) if
      they like.
  3.  Brings RTL closer to LUGNET and reduces fragmentation of the
      online LEGO-fan community.
  4-?  [Your thoughts here]

There would also be a community in RTL for newbies to join, if all the good
people move here, then 'recruitment' would be almost zero, no-one would become
involved and so the amount of LEGO InterNet people would decrease.

Possible disadantages:

  1.  Potential for confusion about where to post new threads when posting
      on this server (particularly lugnet.general vs.

I suppose in that case lugnet.general would have to go because there purpose
is overlapping.

  2.  Potential for confusion about crossposting.

Well only registered LUGNET people would have that ability.

  3.  Possible resentment and repeated questions from people who may feel
      sleighted by the fact that their pure-RTL articles are not archived
      along with the other lugnet.* newsgroups.

I suppose you would have to tell them to use Dejanews as before - why
duplicate effort?

  4.  Possible resentment, confusion, and repeated questions from people
      who post to RTL all the time and then get rejected when posting to
      a lugnet newsgroup because they haven't yet gone through the
      news-posting setup.

Doesn't that happen already, they would have to setup a separate news server
anyway from their normal ISP based RTL.

  5-?  [Your thoughts here]

I think there will be no real problems from the people who use their ISP-based
RTL as they won't notice much of a difference.  New LUGNET people will always
have to go through the setup anyway so there won't be a difference there

I think this will just make it easier for LUGNET people to post to RTL while
using one server.

Carbon 60

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Should RTL be hosted on this server?
(...) Hmm, aren't and lugnet.general actually very different? -- (that's why the potential for confusion -- because they seem similar at first but aren't really)... lugnet.general is for "general" LEGO or community discussions that (...) (26 years ago, 29-Nov-98, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Should RTL be hosted on this server?
Hello Lugnetters, I need help making a very important decision regarding the NNTP server here, and I'd like to hear any opinions and random thoughts you might have. If RTL were hosted on this news server, would that clearly be a good thing, or a (...) (26 years ago, 29-Nov-98, to lugnet.general)

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