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Re: Minifigs: Paint touchup advice needed
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 02:58:27 GMT
871 times
In lugnet.general, Jeff Johnston writes:

I know the basics - mask off the areas you're not painting,
etc, but any specific tips would be appreciated, especially
in the area of what type of paint to use.

Well, the good news is that Lego is not made from PVC, which is not nice to
some paints.  You should be able to get away with regular enamels (model
paint), but acyrlics are easier to work with and are definitely safe for use on

Use very small brushes (consider picking up one of those calligraphy pens that
uses the bottle of ink if you have a lot of thin lines to do -- if you thin
down your paint, you can use the pen to apply the paint as if it were ink).

Do nice, thin coats of paint -- if you have to go back and do another coat,
it's not the end of the world -- but if that first coat is too thick and shows
lots of brush strokes, that's a pain to try to go back and fix.

Good luck,


Message is in Reply To:
  Minifigs: Paint touchup advice needed
I'm looking over some of my 'figs, and it occurs to me that some of the older ones (some mine, some traded for) have a lot of wear on their torsos. So, I have begun to wonder: is there a good way to 'touch up' the paint jobs on the torso to make (...) (26 years ago, 20-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)

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