Re: 23 Historic Additions to LEGO Sets/Parts CD Version 3.
Mon, 2 Mar 2009 05:08:31 GMT
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One last thing Anders....
I have always remembered your story about 3 September 1967 when Sweden went from
driving on the left side of the road to driving on the right side of the road
(like the rest of continental Europe).
In the current version of my LEGO CD I show all 3 known "left driving" versions
of the LEGO Town Plan board.
The earliest was a 1955-56 soft plastic board for Sweden only.
Then there was a board used from 1959-61 that was also only sold in Sweden.
Then from 1960-67 (overlapping years with the earlier board) there was a left
driving board used for Sweden from 1961-67, and also used from 1960-62 in
Britain/Ireland, and 1962-67 in Japan. From 1962-67 Britain, Ireland and
Australia used their own "UK style" board.
Gary Istok
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