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Re: Hey, BrickShelf-users, seen this? Some more photography basics
Sat, 9 Sep 2006 18:05:52 GMT
3396 times
Although most of your advice is sound I'd like to make one comment :

You make quite a few save steps before the end result... specially with a
format such as JPEG (which is what comes out of most consumer level
camera's) loads of info gets lost on saving, it is after all a "lossy"
format, hence the nice filesize reduction vs raw files.

If you'd save and use that file again for further processing, you'll loose
loads of details.

My suggestion would be to start by converting all your images straight after
you got them out of the camera to BMP or TIFF files, which have no loss (or
use your photo package's own format, to even keep all your work steps saved
you you can even undo stuff after having saved it) and don't go back to
JPEG until your fully done editing/resizing/rotating.

Other than that, excellent advice!
Jan-Albert van Ree   |

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  Re: Hey, BrickShelf-users, seen this? Some more photography basics
Hello! I'm happy that this issue seems to be an issue which is starting to be discussed here and elsewhere at 1000steine. There have been some valueable informations in this thread concerning online pictures of MOCs. To show your great MOCs online (...) (18 years ago, 7-Sep-06, to lugnet.general, FTX) ! 

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