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Re: Hey, BrickShelf-users, seen this?
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 14:33:10 GMT
3163 times
Hi Magnus,

I've recently started posting pix on Brickshelf myself, and I'm not sure I
understand what exactly constitutes "annoying" pix.

I posted a bunch of pix that were 1600 x1200 pixels, and they are listed as
"Image resized from 1600x1200" When I view properties, it looks like they have
been resizedized at 800 x 600.pixels.  Now is this cool, or is it a pain to view
for someone without high speed internet connection? They appear at once on my
machine but I have DSL. If they automatically get resized I'm not sure I
understand the problem.

I tried to write some basics about online pictures here:

If you only use Brickshelf for presentation the display-resize function might be
fine. But most of use use Brickshelf also as "storage" room for LEGO pics which
are linked in several forums. And then the full size of a pic is shown, except
the user knows the html code for resizing a pic with the img src tag.

Again, the resize in html does NOT resize the file size of the pic nor the pic
itself. The traffic is the same and this a problem for a non DSL user. And there
is no reason for a high file sized pic with lots of MB which will be displayed
only 50% or less of its size. It's easier to resize it before uploading it and
then you have all you need:

- slime file size
- right size of pic
- no need to resize the pic

is a BMP.?

BMP is Bitmap Format. A Microsoft pixel-based format [without any compression].
It could be displayed by browsers but it is not an internet format for pics at
all. BMP is fine while editing pics at the computer, but it's not good for an

It might be an overkill of informations but klick here:


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Hey, BrickShelf-users, seen this?
Hello, I've recently started posting pix on Brickshelf myself, and I'm not sure I understand what exactly constitutes "annoying" pix. I posted a bunch of pix that were 1600 x1200 pixels, and they are listed as "Image resized from 1600x1200" When I (...) (18 years ago, 7-Sep-06, to lugnet.general)

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