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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for LEGO S@H
Fri, 23 Sep 2005 18:22:23 GMT
2335 times
In lugnet.general, Kelly McKiernan wrote:
The LEGO Ambassadors have been asked to provide some suggestions to the LEGO
Shop at Home people about what types of things we AFOLs would like to see
offered or available from S@H. This is a good opportunity for you to make a
serious suggestion that will get passed on to those who are in charge of S@H.
Of course, this in no way guarantees that any of the suggestions will
necessarily bear fruit, but you never know until you suggest. I'll collate
the results by the end of the weekend, although that doesn't necessarily mean
later posts will be excluded.

This is a theoretical discussion, so there are no limitations on suggestions.
Of course, things like "free bricks for everyone" and other implausible
suggestions are likely to not make it through the review, if you get my
drift. But as far as topics go, this is a "sky's the limit" discussion.

Lots of good ideas already!

* What do you think LEGO would never do that you’d love to see?

I'd like to see a "Roaring 20's" town theme:
    Steam locomotive train set (both passenger and freight)
    "Model A" style vehicles
    Corner Drugstore with soda fountain
    Gas station w/ 1920's style gas pumps
    Victorian-style house
    Town square with park benches, central fountain, push-carts selling stuff

I'd also like to see better track geometry, especially switches. And maybe a
~30° crossover.

The farm theme idea proposed elsewhere in this thread is also an excellent idea.
I've been wanting that one since I was a kid!

* What types of themes/concepts should LEGO stay away from?

Anything that doesn't involve the basic brick

* Are there any community projects/products (Moonbase? Great Ball?) that
  you’d like to see turn into a LEGO set?

BBB train wheels

* (And as a follow-up to the last question – are there any projects/products
  that LEGO should stay away from?)

Bonktron. :-)

* What types of products/themes/concepts do you think are missing from the
  assortment over the years?

I too would like to see bulk backs of light grey tiles.

* Are there things missing in general? On box? In the instructions? In the
  box materials?

I too miss the alternate models on the boxes, and the in-box catalogs.

Thanks for your contribution!

Thanks for asking!

{Kelly McKiernan¬
LEGO Ambassador}

Brian Bacher

Lugnet Member #399

Message is in Reply To:
  Ideas and Suggestions for LEGO S@H
The LEGO Ambassadors have been asked to provide some suggestions to the LEGO Shop at Home people about what types of things we AFOLs would like to see offered or available from S@H. This is a good opportunity for you to make a serious suggestion (...) (19 years ago, 23-Sep-05, to lugnet.general,,, FTX) !! 

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