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Re: This piece is driving me crazy!
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 16:10:04 GMT
938 times
In lugnet.general, Gary R. Istok writes:

Jeff Stembel wrote:

In lugnet.general, Tom McDonald writes:
In lugnet.general, Doyle Nelson writes:
Hello Guys,

Sorry to bother you with silly things like this, but for the life of me I
cannot find what sets this piece is found in. It's the 2x2x3 Extreme CORNER
slope in "GRAY" I know there are sets but they must not be castle I know the
falcon fortress has black ones but which sets can the gray ones be found in?

How about 6048 (Majisto's Magical Workshop) 1 2x2x3 Brick w/ 1/2 Slope   Lt.
Gray ?

This is why I support the LDraw/Auczilla Standard.  :)  6048 does *not* come
with the corner slope, as I have none in gray.  The piece is just a regular
2x2x3 slope.

Courtesy of ! :) Awesome resource! I have a couple and I
knew they must be from Castle because AFAIK they weren't in Space and not much
else is grey.

Also if any have some they can spare I could use 14 of them I will pay well
for these pieces due to them being rare.

I have two, as I bought two of 6048. FTR, they are not for sale.

-Tom McD.
when replying, a spamcake does not make a good mousepad.

The only set I know of that comes with one is 6273 Rock Island Refuge, from


Well, I'm off on another tangent.....

Oooooh, I just love corner extreme slopes.  They are great for Mansard roofs.  I
have some in red, white, yellow and black, not sure where the white or black ones
came from (I got them on the secondary market). I bought 10 of the Blacksmith Shops
just for the 2 red corner slopes in each set.  I use 28 yellow corner slopes (how
pretentious!) in my City Hall tower and corner pavillions.

Just what colors are these available, and in what sets?  I don't think they come in
dark grey or tan (just yet), but where do they come from in some of these other

Yellow -  (4) 2x2x3 corner slopes come in Yellow Castle (375/6075).
Red -       (2) 2x2x3 corner slopes come in Blacksmith Shop (6040).
White -    (?) 2x2x3 corner slopes come in ?????
Black -    (?) 2x2x3 corner slopes come in ?????
Grey -     (1) 2x2x3 corner slope comes in Rock Island Refuge (6273).
Blue -      (?) 2x2x3 corner slopes come in ?????
Dk Grey-(?) 2x2x3 corner slopes come in ?????
Tan -       (?) 2x2x3 corner slopes come in ?????

Can you folks help fill in the blanks????

A most desireable piece indeed!!

Gary Istok

I'm pretty sure that a few blue ones came in the Unitron set Space Station
Zenon, and I know I have one or two in black, but I'm not sure where the heck
they came from.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: This piece is driving me crazy!
(...) There are 4 black ones in 6074 Black Falcon's Fortress Speaking of which, I need just one more to rebuild my Fortress.. not that anyone would trade any I'm sure :) Tamy (26 years ago, 29-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: This piece is driving me crazy!
(...) Well, I'm off on another tangent..... Oooooh, I just love corner extreme slopes. They are great for Mansard roofs. I have some in red, white, yellow and black, not sure where the white or black ones came from (I got them on the secondary (...) (26 years ago, 29-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)

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