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Re: A first step
Thu, 29 Jul 2004 00:05:38 GMT
1903 times
In lugnet.general, Mark Jordan wrote:
Yesterday was a wonderful first for our family. My 20 month-old daughter
attached 2 2X4 bricks together for the first time!

Its great to see the delighted look on her face when I open the box of basic
bricks with its bags of pretty colours, the zooming sound (copied from me) she
makes when I build her a plane out of 7 2X4 bricks, and finally the look of
concentration she got when she started trying to get the two bricks together.

A wonderful moment! Maybe now she will be more interested in her Duplo.

My mother-in-law told me I shouldn't build Lego in front of my daughter. She
thinks my massive colour coordinated, SNOT, themed and witty creations will give
my daughter an inferiority complex and stunt her Lego development.

Does anyone have an opinion on this? Does excessive AFOL enthusiasm cause
problems for the kids?

Well, mother-in-laws DO have a reputation for being evil.  ; )  I would have to
agree with the other posters to your message--superior building inspires young
LEGO builders.  They think that if they work at it, they can be like you one

Another good idea for young builders is letting them use the 2X4 magnet bricks.
The magnets pull the bricks into alignment, which makes it easier for them to
press them into place.  Check out the new set at Brickset:

David "Fuzzy" Gregory

Message is in Reply To:
  A first step
Yesterday was a wonderful first for our family. My 20 month-old daughter attached 2 2*4 bricks together for the first time! Its great to see the delighted look on her face when I open the box of basic bricks with its bags of pretty colours, the (...) (21 years ago, 26-Jul-04, to lugnet.general)

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