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Re: New flesh tone mini-figs.....WTF?!?!
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 19:47:10 GMT
651 times
In lugnet.general, Steffan Davies wrote:
   What do people think of these new flesh tone minifigs in the new HP and Spiderman sets?

I love them, bid the old, jaundiced Minifigs adieu, and will buy/trade 3 Oldies for 1 fleshie anytime any place...

   Is Lego going to completely phase out the ye ol’ classic yellow minifigs?

Sounds like a move that would really anger AFOLs.... so probably;-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New flesh tone mini-figs
(...) John, If that means you'd be willing to trade away three (3) of your yellow minifigs for each one (1) flesh-tone minifig of someone else's, we might need to talk later on... (Once these new "flesh-tone" 'figs are released, that is. ;) Franklin (21 years ago, 12-Apr-04, to lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  New flesh tone mini-figs.....WTF?!?!
What do people think of these new flesh tone minifigs in the new HP and Spiderman sets? Is Lego going to completely phase out the ye ol' classic yellow minifigs? (21 years ago, 12-Apr-04, to lugnet.general)

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