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Re: Nicely now. What do you think of the new colors?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Fri, 16 Jan 2004 03:40:08 GMT
74 times

Thank you for the opportunity to provide input. I have already sent in letters though the consumer affairs website.

After reading most of the posts in the thread, I don’t know if I will be able to add any unique or new viewpoints to what has already been stated. I will add my opinions in the event that you will be using the responses to this thread for some sort of numerical/statistical analysis.

I do not like the new colors for several reasons.

1. I have been collecting Lego since 1973. I have amassed a great quantity of light gray and dark gray pieces over the years. I have piece types in light gray that have long since been discontinued. Up until this year I could mix gray parts from newly bought sets with parts from my original classic space sets in a MOC and have it look good. New and interesting pieces such as the 3x12 wedge plates are not as useful to me, since they will not match some of the colors in my current collection. I am not going to spent the next 20 - 30 years (and thousands of $$) amassing an equivalent collection of the new grays. The collection I have right now will have to serve my needs. I usually buy sets for parts to build MOCs. I occasionally have bought sets for the set themselves. The Santa Fe super cheif is an example. I felt that this set was so well done, I bought 3 of them. I was intending to buy the train cars to go with it this year and get in to trains. Now I probably will not since I cannot be sure that the gray in the SC cars will match the gray in my super chief engines. You have lost a potential train customer. In short, one of Lego’s core selling points has always been its backwards compatibility. This applies to the color palette as much as it does the stud-tube connection and piece geometry.

I think that the new snow speeder is a great set and is much improved over the original snowspeeder set. I have not purchased it solely because it contains the new grays. The only 2004 set I have purchased is the new x-wing and only after it was confirmed to have the original gray/brown colors. If it had not, I either would have not purchased it or I would have returned it. As it stands now, since November, I have spent $0.00 on new retail Lego purchases (though I did receive the new space shuttle for xmas - and it had the old gray in it) and have spent ~$300.00 ordering “classic gray” parts on to complete various MOCs. I used to buy retail sets to get parts that I needed... you have driven me to bricklink instead.

2. The new grays are not as versatile as the older colors. The new colors almost have too much of a cold and sterile feel to them. As others have stated, the new colors are not well suited to building creations such as castles, wooden ships, and other things that require an earthy or muddy feel to them. Even for building mechnical type creations, the older grays could be used to give a creation a dirty, weathered feel. The new grays are great for building aircraft, tanks, spaceships, and other mechanical things but that is about it. Even so, I am not willing to buy the number of sets required to amass even a working collection of the new grays to build a moc like this. Part of the problem is that most of the newer sets are comprised of so many different colors that it is very difficult to amass a useable collection of any newly released color.

3. I am extremely unhappy with the way this color change has been handled. I feel like Lego tried to “pull a fast one” with its consumers. I explain my feelings in more detail here and here. Most AFOL’s are very intelligent and mostly rational people. Many people here feel that focus-group story does not make much sense and thus there has got to be a “real” reason behind the change. Whether or not there is more to the color change story, this move has seriously damaged the trust that alot of us long-time consumers had for TLC.

4. As already mentioned elsewhere, the color changed is likely to be perceived by the general consumer market as a quality issue. In my opinion, TLC’s quality control has been on a downward trend for several years. I have yet to get the train wheels on my aforementioned Superchief set replaced... which reminds me when I call them, will I get old or new gray wheels? After the problems with the wright flyer set I wrote about in this post I wonder if TLC really does care about their perceived quality. If the perceived quality of Lego brand bricks sinks low enough, what is to prevent the general consumer base from buying the cheaper clone brands?

5. As I lover of Classic Space, I really feel ripped off. We will never see a true legend re-release of the Galaxy explorer. Blue and light gray are colors that I have always cherrished.

Thats about all I have to say about the color changes. I do hope the TLC does switch back to the correct colors for their bricks. If not, my life will go on. I may or may not buy new sets but I can defintely say that I will be much more selective. I imagine the only sets I will be buying are ones that really stand out as excellent sets. Which judging on past years, will be a small minority of the overall product line. I would be willing to tolerate a co-existance of all 4 shades of gray given the sorting problems.

While I’m on my soapbox, I am also going to complain about the seemingly blanket replacement of finger hinge parts with click hinges. the click hinge parts should be able to co-exist with finger hinge parts... Each hinge type has applications for which one type is better suited than the other. This is another example of where it is bad to replace something rather than adding something to the product line.

Thank you again for the opportunity to offer my input.


Message is in Reply To:
  Nicely now. What do you think of the new colors?
It's only a couple of weeks in the new year, and it looks like it's going to be an interesting 2004! I have a request, but before I go any further, let me say that personally, I understand the concerns surrounding the color changes. I know many of (...) (21 years ago, 15-Jan-04, to, lugnet.general, FTX) !! 

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