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Re: Auction 8480 Technic Shuttle
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 14:29:43 GMT
933 times
This is a genuine sale, and I do not like to be insulted will that Language.
I am only trying to help some people, as these are unwanted gifts.

"Now, as for Michael-- whose turn is it to take that boy out to the
woodshed?  (Not too late to admit the error of your

What the hell, does that stand for?
Home of the UK Technic Club Magazine

Web site:

121 models and going up
John Neal <> wrote in message

Rob Doucette wrote:

Wow... I remember the time I cross-posted an Auction to a bunch of • unrelated
newsgroups...  it still hurts to sit...

And I hope you learned your lesson;-)  Now, as for Michael-- whose turn • is it
to take that boy out to the woodshed?  (Not too late to admit the error of • your

Michael wrote in message ...
Hello all

I have two 8480 Lego Technic Space Shuttles for Auction, set has 1366 • pieces
each all in Mint condition, unopened with seals intact and no wear what • so

#1. 8480  (1996) MIB starting bid $120    Bid:no name
#2. 8480  (1996) MIB starting bid $120    Bid:no name

As both lots are the exactly the same we will take the two highest bids • for
this auction.

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Auction 8480 Technic Shuttle
Sorry Tod, for this, after a hard day a work. This is all i need. -- Home of the UK Technic Club Magazine Web site: 121 models and going up Michael <> (...) (26 years ago, 1-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Auction 8480 Technic Shuttle
My post (and Rob's as well) were merely gentle flames to remind you that .general is intended for *discussions*, not auction announcements. You were wrong to post here. As for the woodshed comment, I guess the meaning got lost in translation from (...) (26 years ago, 1-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Auction 8480 Technic Shuttle
(...) Then *why* does the subject-line state "AUCTION 8480 Technic Shuttle" ?? I mean, english is not my native language, but I do remember that Auction and sale do NOT have the same meaning... Mark (26 years ago, 2-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)

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  Re: Auction 8480 Technic Shuttle
(...) And I hope you learned your lesson;-) Now, as for Michael-- whose turn is it to take that boy out to the woodshed? (Not too late to admit the error of your ways...) (...) (26 years ago, 1-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)

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