Amen, I got some great specials on roadplates (Gray cross-road plates, for 4.25
each!) Too bad I don't have enough space to use all of them. Maybe I need to
move to a house with a barn on it!
Scott Sanburn
Alex Wetmore wrote:
> Mike Stanley <cjc@NOSPAMnewsguy.com> wrote in message
> news:slrn7km57a.3tu.cjc@VADER.NS.UTK.EDU...
> > Tom McDonald <radiotitan@spamcake.yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > I've noticed the specials are getting more unspecial. Is this part of the
> > > "Fitness Programme"? Or is it, "please buy Star Wars instead"?
> >
> > Probably the latter.
> > From my point of view (only interested in Technics) they have been pretty
> unspecial all year long. Last year was much better...
> alex
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