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Re: MOC technic supercars
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general, lugnet.technic
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 21:11:04 GMT
60 times
I would really appreciate an instruction book of that car. I believe a saw
some pictures of the early edition somewhere and asked around who the maker
was but could not locate the one who made it. I believe i saw it on some
pictures of a show in leeuwarden. (holland). So it could be u. :) Sure your
name is dutch :).

Greetz Gerrit

In, Nathanael Kuipers writes:
Hi all,

It was a big surprise that I recently found a topic with pictures of my work.

So I couldn't wait to give some reply. It seems that some people are
interested in my work. Thanx for that!!:)

The story is that once I started an instruction book for one of my
creations: A supercar which can be made of the 8458 silver champion.

You can see some pictures of the book I once started. Because of
improvements to the model I never finished the book because it wasn't up to
date by then anymore. And it took so many hours to come to this stage :(.
I really like to know how many people are interested in such an instruction
book so I defenitely reconsider of making one again.

Beside this I like to present one of my other supercars which has been build
from the earlier mentioned 8458 and 8466 (4x4 Offroader).

This car has almost the same features as the 8448, only it has a V12 and
some other different things.:))
I really like to know your opinion about this cars!

A new lugnet member/writer


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MOC technic supercars
Hello Nathanael I would also like to have one. We have met in Leeuwarden on the Bouwsteen-dag in November 2002, you told me back then you have created your instructions by using another cad-programm and created all lego parts yourself. I advised you (...) (22 years ago, 11-Mar-03, to, lugnet.general, lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  MOC technic supercars
Hi all, It was a big surprise that I recently found a topic with pictures of my work. (URL) I couldn't wait to give some reply. It seems that some people are interested in my work. Thanx for that!!:) The story is that once I started an instruction (...) (22 years ago, 10-Mar-03, to, lugnet.general, lugnet.technic)

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