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WINNERS of the Poster Contest !!!!!!
lugnet.general, lugnet.announce,,,
Sun, 1 Dec 2002 17:35:40 GMT
! (details)
4992 times
Thanks to read this message.  I am pleased with the results of our contest.
Though not many people did participate, the number of visitors have been
considerably high.  I think this means many people liked the concept, but
few were willing to take the time to make a poster themselves, even with a
possible prize in the end.  All in all, this contest has been a success.

Oh, you don't want to hear about that, right?  All you people really care
about are the winners :-)  Well, here they are:

The 3 Grand prize winners are :  (in Alphabetical order of the Movie)

--High Anxiety (by Yaron Dori)

--Lord of the Ring : Felloship of the Ring (by Bruce Hietbrink)

--The Matrix (by Joanna Wright)

The prize for details made out of LEGO parts goes to :

--The Man in The Iron Mask (by Yaron Dori)

The Special Prize goes to :

--Terminator 2 : Judgement day (by Steve Barker)

The winners were selected by me, my wife and my good friend Vincent
Pelletier, who has his own page on my website (Tarobot).  For the 3 grand
prizes we were looking for the posters that just looked the best.  High
Anxiety had great colorsm the minifig is just in the perfect position and
notice the great detail of the yellow "baseplate" in the middle, a nifty
little addition to the original poster that is just perfect.  LOTR is a
great poster, lots of work in it.  It misses a few important details from
the original poster, but the feeling is mostly the same and there are no
LOTR minifigs out there, contrary to Harry Potter or Star Wars.  And The
Matrix, well, we liked the studs removed on the heads to make in more look
like the real poster, the fact that the picture was stretched to give height
to the actors and the general look is exactly the same as the original.  The
details prize was hard to choose.  First, most posters had lots of details
made of LEGO elements.  We chose The Man in the Iron mask because everything
bu the title is LEGO.  The frame, the minifig and most importantly, the Iron
Mask, which looks exactly the same as the one in the original movie are all
LEGO.  Yaron Dori had also one or 2 runner-ups in this category, so we feel
that it's safe to say that he deserved it.  The special prize was by far the
most risky decision.  Since we had the delicate task to choose not only the
winner, but the reason why this poster was teh winner, wh didn't know
exactly who deerved it the most.  In the end, T2 won because of 3 reasons:
It was the first poster from someone else than me to be posted on the
website, before the contest was announced.  Second, the poster has captured
the feeling of the real poster (and according to Steve, he didn't even have
the picture of the original poster when he did it).  Finally, we really
laughed the first time we saw the Simpsons' reference in the replacing of
Schwarzenegger by Wolfcastle.  This was a great way to take advantage of the
possibility to change the actors' names.

We would love for your comments on these choices.  Note that there are
always participants who don't win in contests, so it's a shame that some
great posters didn't win.

The LMPOP (Lego Movie Poster Open Project) is still very much alive.  New
posters are welcome and they will receive a full webpage to display them on
our website.  You are all welcome to come visit often, as we are in
discussions with other members of this community to add features to this

Winners should contact me to claim their prizes.  I'll try to contact them too.

Thanks to everyone for your support,


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