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 General / 37350
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Re: Famous planes vs. Republic Gunship
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 08:23:08 GMT
882 times
If you look at the price of the key chains it looks like it's 33,3 % that
goes to George Lucas. So one fourth of the money ends up on  his account.
Even if this was his only way of making money he would be rich.

Martijn Zwaal

"Ken Cefaratti" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.general, Rene Virsik writes:
Heya all,

how is it possible that the Famous planes set (offered by LEGO S&H) is
cheapper than the Republic Gunship ? The Republic Gunship is crap and • it's
more expansive...

While I do not think the Republic Gunship is crap....  It is probably more
expensive because it is a licensed product from Lucas Films.  Lego • probably
pays 5-15%** or more for every thing they make..


**Based on information for other products.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Famous planes vs. Republic Gunship
(...) While I do not think the Republic Gunship is crap.... It is probably more expensive because it is a licensed product from Lucas Films. Lego probably pays 5-15%** or more for every thing they make.. Ken **Based on information for other (...) (23 years ago, 1-Jul-02, to lugnet.general)

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