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Re: Lugnet Themes (was Re: Why Isn't there a newsgroup for Launch Command, Alpha Team or Time Cruisers?)
Sat, 8 Jun 2002 21:57:10 GMT
1860 times
In lugnet.general, Kyle Beatty writes:
In lugnet.general, Matt Hein writes:
Quantity does highlight, but in which type? Most of the posts for bionicle
are either in opposition to the concept, or argument between fans in which
bionicle can kick the others arse. (although it used to be entertaining
to read somewhat questionable comments on brickset, but then the moderators
got involved, which is a gpd thing, no doubt)


<<_Matt Hein_>>
Lugnet No. 1112

I honestly cannot figure out Matt's first sentence. What? Huh?

The .bionicle group was overtly sabotaged by unfriendly zealots. Folk who
would have posted took their interest elsewhere. Kudos, gentlemen. Kudos.

And I am not sure in what way you meant 'Kudos, gentlemen. Kudos'. Yes its
true that the folks here on Lugnet made the Bionicle people feel *so very*
unwanted and below the "true Lego fan" level that one person went and made
an amazingly popular and well put together message board for the bionicle
folks so they would not have to "clutter" up the precious .technic group.
And the funny this is, there is almost no flaming and almost no arguing on
BZcommunity like here on Lugnet. This truly amazes me that a bunch of kids
act more mature towards each other than a bunch of grown folks can. It just
still amazes me at the fact that "the friendliest place on the Internet."
just comletly killed and bashed one of the most popular Lego lines and its
fans so much they all left this site. Is this somehting to be proud of? But
the real shiner to me is you see more and more Bionicle parts being used by
more and more people in their MOCs, so the parts that were "just garbage"
and "are completly usless for real MOCs" and "are not good enough to keep in
my house" are popping up in more and more MOCs, i just get a kick outta
that. Bionicle is one of the most popular lines Lego has ever put out, and
has mode them a boatload of money, but yet that line and their fans were
just completly dumped on untill they left this site.

And maybe that ties into why LD is not really here anymore, they get jumped
on everytime they step in the door. This is not the way to treat people, LD
had done alot for us adult fan, but it just proves some people are just
never happy.

So yes ladies and gentlemen, Kudos, for chasing the Bionicle fans away, Kudos.

To quote Rodney King... "Can't we just all get along?"

Mark P.
(all Lego themes are welcome in the Land Of Bricks)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Lugnet Themes (was Re: Why Isn't there a newsgroup for Launch Command, Alpha Team or Time Cruisers?)
(...) I was attempting to be arch and probably just created confusion. Sorry. The chasing away is indeed what I was talking about. I didn't know that BZ was in direct response to that situation on .bionicle. So sincere kudos, not sarcastic kudos, to (...) (23 years ago, 8-Jun-02, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lugnet Themes (was Re: Why Isn't there a newsgroup for Launch Command, Alpha Team or Time Cruisers?)
In lugnet.general, Matt Hein writes: <snip> (...) <snip> (...) I honestly cannot figure out Matt's first sentence. What? Huh? The .bionicle group was overtly sabotaged by unfriendly zealots. Folk who would have posted took their interest elsewhere. (...) (23 years ago, 8-Jun-02, to lugnet.general)

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