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Re: Why Isn't there a newsgroup for Launch Command, Alpha Team or Time Cruisers?
lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.suggestions
Sat, 8 Jun 2002 14:35:43 GMT
1692 times
In lugnet.general, Bruce Hietbrink writes:
In general these have been ranked under town, so in the same way that we
wouldn't have seperate groups for Blacktron and Ice Planet, but instead
would group them under Space, I think the same thinking applies here.

right. Dr.Cyber and Timmy are from the present time, and (according to TLC's
plotline) built a time machine.

When those sets were released, LEGO SYSTEM was clearly defined into catagories
and sub-catagories.

That said, I would agree that Alpha Team might merit its own group.  It's a
pretty distinct series with characters and subthemes.  And it is currently
running so would generate discussion.

I think what you mean is that Alpha Team merits its own 'classification.' That
is quite different from warranting the creation of a new newsgroup.

Launch Command and Time Cruiser/Twisters were limited series which have
pretty much come and gone. I can't imagine there'd be enough discussion to
warrant seperate groups for these.

The quantity/frequency of posting is not so relevant as is confusion or
redundancy in addressing of the posts.

Perhaps these (especially Alpha Team) could be subgroups under the .Town
newsgroup, in the same way that there is a .Ninja sugroup in the .Castle

hmmm yes, but, I doubt that folks would look for Alpha Team under Town...

I think it might be helpful if a member created an FTX page of themes/lines,
listing them any number of ways, linking into whichever newsgroup is agreed
upon as 'appropriate' to discuss that bunch of sets in. Like an index page of

We began aliases to newsgroups in the sets database tree (see "discuss"):
also see links on many sets' entry pages. (That catagorization needs some
reconsideration after outgrowing its single hierarchical list -- I'm just
showing you the aliases part, in case you hadn't noticed them before.)

Then "new groups" could be added on a whim by the keeper of the page. If it
worked out well, I could put a link to it from the main news page. But any
pseudo-groups would need to be clearly NOT real newsgroups, else people'd be
addressing their messages wrong. though, even that could use aliasing..



X,fut: admin.suggestions

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Why Isn't there a newsgroup for Launch Command, Alpha Team or Time Cruisers?
In general these have been ranked under town, so in the same way that we wouldn't have seperate groups for Blacktron and Ice Planet, but instead would group them under Space, I think the same thinking applies here. That said, I would agree that (...) (23 years ago, 8-Jun-02, to lugnet.general)

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