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Re: NEW 2002!!! MONSTERS!!! YODA!!!
lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2002
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 00:17:55 GMT
2122 times
In lugnet.general, Kevin Johnston writes:
In lugnet.general, Kevin Johnston writes:
Frankly I'm relieved to find some new System sets coming down the pike for
2002.  The monster sets could be really, really cool-- these were mentioned
in a rumor posted here a couple months ago (someone saw them in a dealer or
other promo literature, I think).

Hey... the Monster Lab set has an SRP of $160!!  I take it to mean this set
has a full camera set-up in it.  The other Monster sets aren't cheap,
either, $60-$90, which is fine with me, I hope these are great, detailed
sets, not just figure packs!

These sets might not be as detailed as you wish (but hopefully they will
still be great sets). The website is a distributor and he sells everything
in multiples. If you look again you'll see that the $160 price is for two
Monster Labs. Doing the math the Studio Monster sets break down like this:

1380: Werewolf Ambush - $10.99
1381: Vampire Crypt - $21.99
1382: Mad Monster Lab - $79.99
1383: Curse of the Pharoah - $4.99

And I don't even trust those prices. They appear to mark up most of the
sets. They're selling 7139 Ewok Attack at $15.99 when it retails for $12.99.
Also the Star Wars Final Duel and Jedi Defense sets that retail for $6.99
are listed at $8.99. Same for the new Alpha Team sets and 'Freekick Frenzy'
set I bought today - I paid $9.99 for them at TRU, while this distributors
prices come out to $10.99.



P.S. check out the new Studios Spider-man sets for April:
1374: Green Goblin - $8.99 (probably $7.99)
1375: Wrestling Scene - $23.99 (prob. $19.99)
1376: Spider-man Action Studio - $35.99 (prob. $34.99)

I've been wondering if they would refresh Studios with a new camera-based

Lego, please oh please give me a great Frankenstein's monster mini-figure...
don't let me down!!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: NEW 2002!!! MONSTERS!!! YODA!!!
(...) Argh, I'm sure you're right-- and I even wondered whether "each" referred to one item, or a case. I think it's bizarre to refer to an "SRP" for a "case", but oh well. Anyway the idea of all of them being $60+ was just crazy, I definitely let (...) (23 years ago, 12-Dec-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2002)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: NEW 2002!!! MONSTERS!!! YODA!!!
(...) Hey... the Monster Lab set has an SRP of $160!! I take it to mean this set has a full camera set-up in it. The other Monster sets aren't cheap, either, $60-$90, which is fine with me, I hope these are great, detailed sets, not just figure (...) (23 years ago, 11-Dec-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2002)

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