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Comic #2 out, Promo listed
lugnet.technic.bionicle, lugnet.general,
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 08:34:15 GMT
104 times
The U.S. bionicle comic #2 of 3 is now out.

On the back cover are the pictures of the bionicle villagers promo specials at
McDonalds. They will hit McDonalds from September 7-27 as the toy for the kids
happy meals.  There are six villagers.  Also available is a special Bionicle
comic book.

In the inside, the Bionicle PC game is coming in the fall and will include
a free limited edition Mask of Time.  The mask is a unique mold that's half the
size of the regular mask and only covers the mouth, nose, and cheeks.  The
color looks like either orange, bronze, or buttercup.

Also on the inside is the mask collecting poster coming on August 11 at a
ToyRUs with a purchase of a Bionicle item.

Sorry no scans until Monday or so, if anyone is interested.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Comic #2 out, Promo listed
(...) Are these the same "turagas" that you could buy a sixpack of at S@H (and which are now available individually at Target, 1.99 each) or different? (based on your view of the ad, of course) ++Lar (24 years ago, 8-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle, lugnet.general,

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