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 General / 31306
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Re: Not getting authentication e-mail?
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 16:31:29 GMT
561 times
In lugnet.general, Nicholas Fezie writes:
In lugnet.general, Nick Cameron writes:
Lately, I have no been getting the authentication e-mail. I get the copy
e-mailed to me when I check the "E-mail me a copy" button, but no authent-
ication e-mail!!! Has anyone else had this problem?


I hope I get an authentication e-mail of this message.

If you're logged in, you won't get one.  Go to and see if
the key in the upper right corner is gray, if it is you are logged in and
will not get any authentication e-mails.  Hope this helps.


Sadly, no. I am not a lugnet member, but it says you don't need to be one to
post (plese don't flood my e-mail with a bunch of "become a member" e-mails).
After I post, it says it sent an athentacation and copy to me, but I only get
the copy. Sorry, dosn't help

Oh - just a second agoI checked my email and all my authentications were there!
Why weren't they there yesterday? They have the same dates as the copy e-mailed
to me?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Not getting authentication e-mail?
(...) Hello Nick.. Some email servers don't do their jobs every second of every day. There are a few reasons for this (one of which has to do with how many messages per hour are sent to that server), but ever since email authentication was installed (...) (24 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Not getting authentication e-mail?
(...) If you're logged in, you won't get one. Go to and see if the key in the upper right corner is gray, if it is you are logged in and will not get any authentication e-mails. Hope this helps. -Nick (24 years ago, 24-Jun-01, to lugnet.general)

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