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Re: Baseplate Info Wanted
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 02:00:19 GMT
527 times
Heather Patey has collected Baseplate info but she was looking for server
space. See


"Skip Gridley" <> wrote in message
Hello All,

Which group is most appropriate to ask baseplate questions in?

The specific info I am looking for is sources for black baseplates,
both raised and flat.  I know some space sets have them, such
as the raised 32x32 one in the Spyrius base and the raised
32x32 and 2 16x32 flat in the Unitron monorail. I'd like to know
what other sets feature black baseplates and their sizes.  Thanks
a lot for any information!

Skip Gridley

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Baseplate Info Wanted
(...) I moved the whole shebang to Brickshelf and LUGNET FTX. It's not done, but you're welcome to have a look at (URL) just "special" baseplates, no plain flat ones. Hope it's some help. I'll get it finished one of these days. Cheers, Heather -- (...) (24 years ago, 29-Mar-01, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Baseplate Info Wanted
Hello All, Which group is most appropriate to ask baseplate questions in? The specific info I am looking for is sources for black baseplates, both raised and flat. I know some space sets have them, such as the raised 32x32 one in the Spyrius base (...) (24 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to lugnet.general)

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