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 General / 28393
28392  |  28394
anything new about the new Harry Potter sets????
Sat, 3 Mar 2001 17:19:43 GMT
922 times
does anybody have seen anything about these sets....I remember a few people
trying to speculate what sets TLG would come out with to go with the
movie.  I hear the movie is set to come out this fall, and the Lego sets
are to be marketed at the same time.
A side-remark is that a lot of the promotional sets as of late are a lot
better than the regular sets Lego has brought out...the "ferrari line of
shell sets in 1999, the Tour-de-France sets, McDonalds drive-through
thought that Lego should have also designed a full size restaurant -
will need to make a MOC) the entire star wars line, both classic and
episode 1 sets (I especially like the Sith Infiltrator and the Mos Espa
Pod Racing set!!)
So I think I have good faith that whatever Lego puts out in reference to
the Harry Potter movie will be extremely great!!!!

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