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Re: Orange 2x10 bricks (was: Re: Any info on these?)
lugnet.general, lugnet.legoland
Sun, 31 Dec 2000 06:31:59 GMT
1633 times
That is exactly where I got them.  They had some in the build your own
ornament thing.  I did not see any of the other rare parts in there that
others had mentioned.  Just light pink (not the dark pink that others saw)
and orange.  I was kinda wondering where orange and pink came in on
christmas items (espically the orange).  All they had at that attraction was
green, white, red, and blue bricks (all smaller bricks - 2x4 was the biggets
I saw of these) - and tons of orange bricks (ranging from 1x2's to 2x10's)
and a few orange plates and very few light pink plates.  I did see lots of
rare parts in the build and race attraction, I was hoping that the people
working there would be able to tell me what set I could get these in. But as
usuall they had no idea.  Sometimes I wish I was not such an honest person ~
like when I was walking away thinking I would never get to see those parts
again, lol.  At least I can take pride in knowing others will get to play
with those parts.  I was looking at the lego by the pound shop you
mentioned, some guy bought over $100 in the yellow 1X12 bricks.  I was more
interested in the tan bricks.  I realy did have fun at legoland, and they
had GREAT sales!

In lugnet.general, Charles Eric McCarthy writes:

Orange 2x10 bricks exist, and can be purchased in bulk at Legoland California.
Specifically, at the little store outside the model shop.  That store also
has these items of note:

* yellow 1x12 bricks, which I think are rare

* black 2x2 tiles for less than half the price of S@H

If anyone tries to order these by phone please post your experience;
I'm sure it will be of interest!

/Eric McCarthy/

Message is in Reply To:
  Orange 2x10 bricks (was: Re: Any info on these?)
(...) Orange 2x10 bricks exist, and can be purchased in bulk at Legoland California. Specifically, at the little store outside the model shop. That store also has these items of note: * yellow 1x12 bricks, which I think are rare * black 2x2 tiles (...) (23 years ago, 30-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)

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