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Re: you know you are a true AFOL when...
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 07:26:47 GMT
1148 times
"Kenneth A. Drumm Ph.D." wrote:

21?.When you have lots of sets proudly displayed in your office at work.

22. You have some of your MOC's displayed at work.

23. You have a 5 tier metal shelf at work to hold them all.

24. When you move into a new office the maintenance guys say "you want us to
move what filled with what?"

25. You build when at work and no-one seems to mind (since the company
president does the same thing).

Kenneth A. Drumm Ph.D. the second biggest AFOL at work.
26. You get nothing but lego for christmass but you are annoyed that the
shops are closed on boxing day because you have to wait another day to
buy even more lego.

27. You ring every toy store in the phonebook to get all of the sets in
a series (slizers) that was technicly discontinued 6 months ago.

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: you know you are a true AFOL when...
(...) So you mean it wasn't just me who did this huh? -- Kenneth A. Drumm Ph.D. whom all the toy stores know by voice. (24 years ago, 28-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: you know you are a true AFOL when...
(...) Wow...they close stores the day after Xmas? That's...that's downright un-American, that is! 8) We of course don't have 'boxing day', but if we did, it'd have another meaning - the day when you 'box up' all the stuff you got that you didn't (...) (24 years ago, 28-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: you know you are a true AFOL when...
(...) 28. You get a dog, so she can buy you *exactly* the Lego you want for Christmas & birthday. ROSCO (Just kidding - I actually had my best friend before I left my "dark age", but she does come in handy 8?) (24 years ago, 28-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: you know you are a true AFOL when...
21?.When you have lots of sets proudly displayed in your office at work. 22. You have some of your MOC's displayed at work. 23. You have a 5 tier metal shelf at work to hold them all. 24. When you move into a new office the maintenance guys say "you (...) (24 years ago, 28-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)

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