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Re: you know you are a true AFOL when...
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 06:45:15 GMT
1122 times
On Sun, 24 Dec 2000 15:34:36 GMT, "Ray Sanders" <>

In lugnet.general, Mike Timm writes:
20.  You take and prepare a 3 page list of all the major (and most
minor) retailers of LEGO complete with street address and phone
numbers, as well the map coordinates for some in the local Hudson's
street map book .

... only 3 pages ?   I just checked, my DB (which covers all of FL, and the
southern half of GA and AL) contains 650+ entries. Someday I want to add latt/
long to it so that I can calculate radial distances from a GPS receiver :)

Ray (who knows the toy dept location in *most* of those stores)

Mine is single line per store location with proper formatting, I don't
the desire to hit all of my Minnesota and any border areas of the
other nearby states.  Did I mention that I always have a copy in the
car? :^)
All other themes are just spare parts for Castle! :^)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: you know you are a true AFOL when...
21?.When you have lots of sets proudly displayed in your office at work. 22. You have some of your MOC's displayed at work. 23. You have a 5 tier metal shelf at work to hold them all. 24. When you move into a new office the maintenance guys say "you (...) (24 years ago, 28-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: you know you are a true AFOL when...
(...) ... only 3 pages ? I just checked, my DB (which covers all of FL, and the southern half of GA and AL) contains 650+ entries. Someday I want to add latt/ long to it so that I can calculate radial distances from a GPS receiver :) Ray (who knows (...) (24 years ago, 24-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)

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