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Newest fan of the Sharpie for customizing!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Tue, 3 Oct 2000 21:29:39 GMT
95 times
After a recent inspiration (of Olympic proportions - pics shortly) I broke
down and got me a selection of ultra fine point Sharpies to try my hand at
minifig customizing.  It seems Sharpies are the item of choice among LUGNETers
but I'm curious about other people's experiences in a couple areas.

1) Any smudging problems?  Any way to effectively blot the ink?

2) Typical drying time?

3) Just how permanent is it on ABS?

4) Anything like a hair dryer that might help drying & permanency?

I had some smudging issues 4-6 hours after drawing and even now, a full day
later, I can get some on my fingers if I try.  I'm covering some relatively
large areas (compared to the tip size) and may have applied it too liberally.

Despite these issues the results are pretty cool and hold a huge amount of


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Newest fan of the Sharpie for customizing!
(...) Personally, I use the Marvy-Uchida brand DecoColor markers for colors, and Sharpies only for black. After I paint them, I'll put the minifig next to a 60 watt lightbulb to dry. (Not too close, or you might cook your fig!) It's worked for me, (...) (24 years ago, 3-Oct-00, to

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