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Re: Visit to Wayne Hussey's house
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 14:17:55 GMT
2722 times
Hi Paul,

The large red spaceship is apparently from the game Traveler, and Wayne put
in a model of the NCC-1701 as a scale reference.

You'll have to ask him if you want to know anything further.

Mark's Lego Creations

From: "Paul Sinasohn" <>
Organization: BAYLUG - SF Bay Area
Newsgroups: lugnet.general,,
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 22:50:10 GMT
Subject: Re: Visit to Wayne Hussey's house

What is that huge red ship in dscn0433 and dscn0434 with an Enterprise-style
hip in one of the side bays?

Paul Sinasohn

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Visit to Wayne Hussey's house
(...) That's something! I'm trying to figure out if it's Solomani (probably not!), Zhodani, Vargr, or what...but yes, that is most definitely Traveler-y looking. And all that red! best LFB (who still has a dogeared copy of High Guard in his (...) (24 years ago, 13-Sep-00, to lugnet.general,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Visit to Wayne Hussey's house
What is that huge red ship in dscn0433 and dscn0434 with an Enterprise-style hip in one of the side bays? Paul Sinasohn (24 years ago, 12-Sep-00, to lugnet.general,,

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