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Re: Harry Potter Lego Line
Thu, 13 Jul 2000 16:37:59 GMT
875 times
In lugnet.general, Larry Pieniazek writes:

There have been posts both for and against this, my take is this... how big of
a LEGO fan is JK Rowlands? What made the Star Wars sets good, supposedly, was
that George Lucas was acting on instructions (from his kids) to veto
bumphf/gafla  and let only the good stuff get made.

Is that the same here? How much of a LEGO Fanatic JK Rowlands is (or her kids
are) hasn't yet come up in the tabloids, has it?

Apologies if I haven't spelled her name right.

It's JK Rowlings, but we'll forgive. :D

I think the main question that should be asked- before yours above- is "Does JK
Rowlings have the same control over her creation that Lucas does?"   I think
that answer to that is probably no, so she herself wouldn't probably have final
say over the set design.

That is a good point, though- the Star Wars sets aren't good necessarily
because they are a license, they are good because LucasFilm quality control
people are very strict- at least, that is a theory I had and have seen

The Potter sets might be just as narsty as all the other current Lego sets.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Harry Potter Lego Line
(...) Seconded. Call the question. Anything for more trains, say I. There have been posts both for and against this, my take is this... how big of a LEGO fan is JK Rowlands? What made the Star Wars sets good, supposedly, was that George Lucas was (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jul-00, to lugnet.general)

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