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Re: Suggested Change in Charter for ALL Lugnet Theme Groups.
lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 20:51:16 GMT
91 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Rose Regner writes:
I totally disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leave ALL auction announcements in AUCTION.
The auction announcements, especially Ebay annpumcements  are annoying
enough as it is.
Please don't do this to us!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't worry, Rose -- it won't happen.  The poster making these suggestions is
just being a nuisance.  The most that might happen is potentially adding theme-
specific subgroups of .auction, but the sanity and sanctity of the pure theme
discussion groups (.duplo, .castle, .adventurers, .space, etc.) will remain.

I'm really not sure why this person who posted the suggestion keeps pushing
the auction issue, because it isn't, wasn't, and never will be something up
for discussion.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Suggested Change in Charter for ALL Lugnet Theme Groups.
I totally disagree!!!...!!! Leave ALL auction announcements in AUCTION. The auction announcements, especially Ebay annpumcements are annoying enough as it is. Please don't do this to us!!!...!!! Rose Scott A wrote in message ... (...) (URL) (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general)  

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