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Re: Big brother IS watching you!
lugnet.general, lugnet.duplo
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:00:23 GMT
2888 times
Well I was told by Lego Australia that as it had been running consecutively
for so long it was time to give it a break.
The woman I spoke to said it definatly would be discontinued.
Seeing as I have 30 metres of track, :-) I think we will be ok, but wanted to
let everyone know that now is the time to buy, before it gets scarce.
I have noticed already that when stock in this gets down in all my local
stores it is not replaced, so maybe supplies are already low?

This is bad news. Like you I have a lot of track.... but one can never have too

Can't wait to see a 2000 catalogue for Duplo.

Lets just hope Winne the Phoo is absent.

Scott A

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Big brother IS watching you!
(...) Well I was told by Lego Australia that as it had been running consecutively for so long it was time to give it a break. The woman I spoke to said it definatly would be discontinued. Seeing as I have 30 metres of track, :-) I think we will be (...) (25 years ago, 11-Nov-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.duplo)

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