Re: Brikwars questions
Tue, 10 Oct 2000 03:16:27 GMT
2053 times
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In, James Howse writes:
> > > 2. Collisions.
> > So, knockback depends on the number of dice in the
> > colliding bodies' AVs.
> Right. I get it now, thanks.
> > > 3.Lances. Just how much damage do they do, particularly when being carried
> > > by a knight on a horse.]
> > Damage is done as if the knight+horse had a collision with the target. The
> > target takes full damage from the collision. The damage that the knight and
> > horse would have taken from the collision is instead dealt to the lance,
> > possibly breaking it if it is above the lance's Damage Max.
> Ah, knight plus horse. Although this still means that a knight will never
> break a lance and can't kill a fig carrying shield and armour.
Oh sorry, I thought I'd been clearer than I was:
> So the damage done to each body in a collision is supposed to be
> (Speed/5) x (AV of opposite body). So, knockback depends on the
> number of dice in the colliding bodies' AVs.
This applies to normal damage as well as knockback damage. So,
> Mass = 3 (1 man + 2 horse)
> Max speed = 2 (10" on horse)
> Damage = 6
changes quite a bit. Assuming an unarmored TL3 trooper and riding-horse (from
AV = 1d10+7 (5 man + 1d10+2 horse)
Speed = 3 (16" on horse)
Damage = 3d10+21 at a full run (wow!)
It is almost unthinkable that anyone would survive this kind of damage, so
it's important to remember all the disadvantages of joustery to give enemies a
chance. Any jousting units should be forced to follow the TurnRate and
Accel/Decel limits, and remember to use the skill penalties for speed.
Part of what's delaying publishing the revision to chapter eight is that
that's where all the new Creatures rules are going to go, and clearer jousting
rules are going to be a part of that.
> James (who had a knight magically thrown into the side of a house... ouch)
In the words of the immortal Nelson Muntz: "Ha ha!"
- Mike Rayhawk.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Brikwars questions
| (...) Fair enough, stupendous feats are already very cool. (and 3 is ... 3 times cooler!) (...) Right. I get it now, thanks. (...) Ah, knight plus horse. Although this still means that a knight will never break a lance and can't kill a fig carrying (...) (24 years ago, 9-Oct-00, to lugnet.gaming)
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