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Re: Seeking Lugnet community help for a freeware computer game
lugnet.general, lugnet.cad, lugnet.gaming
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:28:40 GMT
2740 times
danny staple wrote:
Have you considered using LPub, which can do the gruntwork for
you? Also, using LGEO which can make things look a bit nicer, and
MEGAPov which gives the Lego a more cartoony outlined feel?

Ahh, I had read about LPub, but I thought it was just for showing
someone else how to build your model step-by-step?

Will download it now, as "X does the Gruntwork for you" is a very good
feature for me!  Yes, downloaded LGEO as I saw the benefits,
but will have a look at MEGAPov, although I think "realistic" is more
the angle I'm taking.

No worries there. Another idea, if you use LDraw steps in your models
to animate, then LPub can output the whole set of steps. So you could
just then use those as frames of animation - hey presto, animated

That sounds FANTASTIC..  just need to work out what LDraw steps are,
and how that works...   searching, searching....

Hmm, okay, I think MLCad has a menu item to generate a fractal
landscape, so you could just generate a few mountainous ones, and then
use the LPub through POV method to get good looking renders from them.
Easy enough, its all point and click then.

Yes, keep me away from the evil prompt!
Hmmm.. fractal landscape could be cool, will check it out thanks.

Have fun. Are you going to go for any particular scale, or just build
them [the tanks, vehicles & buildings]  as big as they need to be for a good finish?
> At least by using LDraw/MLCad you are not limiting yourself to your
own box of Lego,
> and might get away with colours on parts that may never have been made
with such colours...

I am going to build them to scale, so everything looks "logical".

I wander if Op-Wolf can run in MAME, I am sure it does... That could
be a good reference for someone, especially if you can stop the game
and freeze the output.


Yes, I wouldn't be doing this project if it wasn't MAME-able!
Been using it's "record" function to watch myself playing the game
over & over & over to note how many men per section, etc etc
Also it's WAV recording facility, not to mention screenshotting
the entire level and gluing it all together in GIMP.

Thanks again - great suggestins galore!


NB: swap "spam" for "lugnet" in my email address.  :-)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Seeking Lugnet community help for a freeware computer game
(...) In terms of "showing someone how to build your model", you would still normally have to put in the work to show what the steps were. All LPub does is provide a point/click workflow for getting it all rendered out into a directory full of image (...) (19 years ago, 11-Jul-06, to lugnet.general, lugnet.cad, lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Seeking Lugnet community help for a freeware computer game
(...) Excellent. I use that to present stuff occasionally too. Its not bad at all. Have you considered using LPub, which can do the gruntwork for you? Also, using LGEO which can make things look a bit nicer, and MEGAPov which gives the Lego a more (...) (19 years ago, 10-Jul-06, to lugnet.general, lugnet.cad, lugnet.gaming)

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