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  Re: LEGOland Game Out Yet?
(...) It's here in the US... -Shiri (25 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to,
  LEGOland Game Out Yet?
Has the LEGOland game been released yet? If so, it hasn't made it to this part of the world but all the others have (Racers, Friends, Rock Raiders etc.). Grahame (in New Zealand) (25 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to,
  Game question, help!!!!
What software game would be good to get for a very bright 4 year old? He likes train, town, Technic etc. He's good at building, however I am not sure how hard these games are and how much playability they have after the "scene" is built. Please help (...) (25 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to
  Re: Who has a great MOC lego game?
(...) You're right. I should up the lego brick count. In current rules, you get a brick every time a minifig visits, and 3 for every property you've visited at the end of a round. So, for the first round, you'd receive 12 bricks. The longer the game (...) (25 years ago, 11-Mar-00, to
  Re: Who has a great MOC lego game?
Hi Markus! I like that idea, I love monopoly. Two years ago I had this project for graphics class, I designed a 'my town' monopoly game, with pictures, streets and areas of my home-town (Kfar Vradim, or Rose Village, a truly beautiful place) (1). (...) (25 years ago, 11-Mar-00, to

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