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Re: NELUG Brickwars 04/01/00 pics are up.
Newsgroups:, lugnet.gaming,, lugnet.general
Tue, 4 Apr 2000 20:48:50 GMT
389 times
In, Christopher Masi writes:
I noticed a nice looking tree next to the yellow house with the blue roof. Do
you have any close ups of the round tree?

Never failing to want to take credit, I'll jump in :) (Now if only I can find
some way of taking credit for the wrecked church! :D )

Actually, those two 'round'-ish trees that you see on the green layout are my
little knocked-up-on-the-spur-of-the-moment-design. I don't know if anyone took
detailed pictures of them though-- from the side, they look silly, but from the
top, we kinda liked them (I actually refined the design a little later on my
own to not look as silly from the side)

To make them you need:
3 palm tree bases
6-10 (or whatever) palm tree sections
3 palm tree tops (the 4/5 prong tips, not the fronds or the 2x2 round plates)
16-24 large green 5?x7? leaves
0-? small green 3?x4? leaves (I used about 10 in each one, maybe more)
1 green 2x2 round plate

1 - Take 1 palm tree base, and attach all the palm tree sections onto it
2 - Put on 1 palm tree top
3 - attach 8 large leaves to the top via the 4 prongs
4 - instead of topping with a 2x2 round plate as in the 'standard' palm trees,
    attach another palm tree base
5 - repeat steps 2-4, and then step 2 again
6 - attach a mix of large and small leaves, totalling 8 (smaller on top of
7 - top the tree with the 2x2 round plate
8 - now fill in the gaps. There are 2 huge-looking gaps in the tree when viewed
    from the side.. fill 'em up as much as you want with small leaves.

Anyway, from above, it looks pretty cool (from the side it still looks a bit
silly)... After playing around with the idea more, there are much better ways
to do the tree's top, but that's the basic idea :) Enjoy!


(FUT .build)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: NELUG Brickwars 04/01/00 pics are up.
I noticed a nice looking tree next to the yellow house with the blue roof. Do you have any close ups of the round tree? (...) (25 years ago, 4-Apr-00, to, lugnet.gaming,, lugnet.general)

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